Friday, July 6, 2007

Wild Thing

Some advice for all you ladies out there...keep an eye on your men. I understand that in this day and age, most people have to travel for work. No one understands that better than a golf widow such as myself. But it is hard to be away from your husband for long periods of time. To be honest, I sometimes have a hard time trusting him. I never know for sure what he is doing while he's away. For all I know, he becomes a totally different person and leads an entirely new life on the road.

How much trouble could he possibly get into, you ask? For those of you who grew up with Chris, you didn't just ask that question. You know. And perhaps more than you know, but he just let Chad take the brunt of it. But for those of you who aren't familiar with my troublemaker of a husband...

Time out...I didn't want to use "troublemaker" so I googled a thesaurus and I had a good laugh at the synonyms and had to share: agent provocateur, agitator, bad actor, dog, firebrand, gremlin, heel, hellion, incendiary, inciter, inflamer, instigator, knave, loose cannon*, meddler, mischief-maker, nuisance, phony, punk, rabble-rouser, rascal, recreant, rogue, smart aleck, smart a--, snake, stormy petrel, weasel, wise guy. Are those great or what?

Sorry, back to my "rabble-rouser" of a husband....I really don't know what goes on or have any control of his actions. Do I think he would go gamble our life savings away? No. Do I think he will take up clubbing and become a rave junkie? Not a chance. Would he ever be secretly perform for a travelling circus and use the "golf" as a cover? Probably not. Would he get caught up with some hot young thing? Nope. But it's the little things you think are automatic such as...oh, I don't know....personal hygiene? You've mostly all seen my handsome husband as pictured here: pretty! But after 3 weeks on the road of just boys, this is what comes home:



Laker said...

FOFL!!! I love it!!!

Elysa said...

Lake better not come home with that hair cut after his upcoming weekend in DC! Better watch my back Deya!

Samye said...

Love it! Isn't funny how personal hygiene just goes out the window when they are out being..."boys".

Deya Love said...

No worries Elysa, I will make sure Lake showers and brushes his teeth and the things a good little boy should do. I do think Samye has it easiest though. Dustin just shaves it all off so there's nothing to torture his wife with. :)

Laker said...

Good little boys?!? I am about to show you the best time in DC and you three (Samye included) openly believe that we have the maturity level of an eight year old? Fine then! I am taking my toys and am going to go play with someone else. :P

Shannon Martino said...

Well, I can't understand the "coming home with a mohawk" side, but I can empathize with the lack of personal hygiene for men. After a week at scout camp...aaaggghh! For those that know Blake and how, um, fast he can grow hair. Let's just say he doesn't have much "face" left after a week of no shaving.

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