Monday, July 21, 2008

Boise Part 3

You can't go to any type of wedding celebration and walk away unscathed from an awkward social situation. Boise was no exception. (How many words can I use that end in -tion?) I expected something being as how I hadn't seen Jackie since my own wedding over 5 years ago and her family even longer. I knew no one else there but my own parents. There was bound to be some awkwardness among meeting of new friends, right? Well, wrong. I'm not shy and I pretty much get along with everyone, so the awkward social situation had to come from left field- completely unexpected.

So this very nice-looking woman comes and sits down next to me at the table fairly late into the evening and asks me if I am Deya Dishman.
"Um...(there is hesitation as no one has called me that in awhile)..yes."
"You hit my car."
"Excuse me?"
"You hit my car. During one of your concerts. You left a note. "
(crickets chirping...)
"I'm sorry...?"
"I know. But you hit my car."
"I did. And I'm sorry. We did take care of all of that right?"
"Yes. I've just always wanted to put a face with your name."

For the record, one of the few times my dad let me drive his car, I slid sideways in a parking lot on the ice into a parked car- 9 years ago! I know, I know, I hit a parked car, but isn't the more ridiculous thing here that this lady held onto it for 9 years!?!?!


kim said...

That is so funny Deya! She probably has a huge weight off her chest and here you never even knew it had been bothering her.

Elysa said...

Well, it could be worse, at least you didn't hit her pet. She probably never would have forgiven you!

Deya Love said...

Oh my gosh Elysa, a pet?!?! I never would've forgiven me!!

Emily said...

Random! I bet she can sleep better after nine years of holding onto that. Wow.

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