Saturday, May 31, 2008

Insight into the Mind of My Husband

So when Chris is out of town, we completely use and abuse our cell phone family plan. I would like to shake the hand of whoever thought of that. Anyway, this last trip, Chris was away during one of our best friend's bday and naturally I was in charge of the cake (pictures to come). As I was excitedly describing Chris over the phone what kind of cake I was making, the following conversation ensued:

C: How come you never make me a cake?
D: Because when it's your birthday or any other special occasion that warrants a cake and I ask you what you want, you say 'Dairy Queen Ice Cream Cake'
C: That's because it's yummy. Can't you make that?
D: No. And gross.
C: Well, couldn't you make me one of your cakes to celebrate a non-special occasion? Like me being married to you every day. We could have a cake that celebrates all my patience and tolerance.
D: Patience and tolerance?
C: Yeah! A Patience and Tolerance Cake!
D: Well then how come you've never made me a cake for all of my patience and tolerance?
C: Honey, all that is required to be married to me is Happiness and Joy!

I think I've finally met someone who can out argue me! I was laughing so hard by the end at his seriousness. We will keep you posted on the patience/tolerance/happiness/joy cake. :)


Endless Days and Northern Nights said...

I absolutely loved this post. I'm laughing so hard right now. That is EXACTLY what Logan would say to me. He is also upset that I haven't made him a batch of cupcakes. You guys are so cute!

Emily said...

that is hilarious! I could almost hear the argument in my head and I was cracking up! He hasn't changed, has he!?

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